My nephew’s incredible birth prediction through my wife’s dreams!

The below has been written by my wife, her incredible experience:


Periyava, Divine Experiences – 1 How Shiv was born.

I used to have lots and lots of Divine dreams since 2006, of Gods and our Periyavals, Mahaperiyava, Pudhuperiyava, Balaperiyava, Shringeri Periyavals….. This was happening almost every night and also during afternoon naps.

My husband shared that Mahaperiyava and Sivan Sar had said that if the Guru or God appears in dreams, it is not a dream, but a message from them.

Also I used to have these thoughts like The Periyavals or Gods were speaking to me in my mind. I always thought I had an overactive imagination and dismissed these thoughts. All these Periyava dreams and the feeling that Periyavals were mind speaking, were a new experience to me, me who liked rationale and logic.

So I didn’t know if I should act on these instructions of Periyavals in dreams or mind talk. This was my continuous doubt at that time.

During that time, maybe March 2012, I learnt that one of my husband’s close relatives was very unhappy that they were not able to have a child even after 18 years of marriage. I felt sad for them and prayed to Periyava to help them.

Immediately, it felt like Periyava was saying something in my mind.

The advice was – Buy glass bangles and offer them to the Ambal in your home on Aadi Pooram, (the day of Mylapore Karpagambal’s Valaikappu), and pray to Her that in the same way that She is having children, She should bless this couple too with a child.

I didn’t know what to make of this very specific instruction/ thought. Even though I was convinced that I had imagined it, I felt, why not try it.

My parents were going to visit me in USA where I was staying. I requested my mother to bring red and green glass bangles when she came.

I adorned Kashi Annapoorni whom I had in my poojai area with the bangles on Aadi Pooram, in July 2012 and prayed to Her to bless the childless couple with a child. Shortly after, in August 2012, I had a Periyava dream that the child has been conceived. The next month, I had another dream, His voice saying the foetus was one month. And that they have not shared with anyone in the extended family.

Next month, I had another dream in which Periyava’s voice said it was two months and the parents have not told anyone. I could hear Periyava’s voice but couldn’t see Him, in the dream.

The month after, similar dream, the baby is 3 months carrying and they have not told anyone.

The next month, a little different dream. In the dream, Periyava said, it is four months now, and they have just informed their parents and nobody else in the extended family. This dream came in December.

Now I started sharing these dreams with my husband. Another dream in January 2013, saying the foetus was now five months on. This kept happening every month until April 2013.

In April, in the dream, Periyava said the foetus was 8 months old. Now I had the feeling that these dreams must be true and they were expecting a child. That day, I excitedly I told my husband that it must be true since I have been having these dreams every single month, and Periyava has been saying that the parents have not shared this news with anyone except with their parents in December 2012. And the age of the foetus has also been increasing by a month in every monthly dream.

My husband replied, “If they were expecting, my relative would surely have told me. I have been speaking ( on phone ) to him often enough. So if he has not shared anything all these days, then they are not expecting. So don’t have hopes or you might be disappointed.” My husband was concerned for me.

Three days later, my husband’s relative called my husband and told him that they were expecting and it was THE EIGHTH month for the baby!!! My husband was shocked to hear this! A baby after 18 long years??? Magical! It was unbelievable news for him! They had not shared with anyone because they were worried and not sure if the pregnancy would go well. Only in December 2012 did they share with their parents. (Exactly as Periyava had said in the December dream).

I was amazed at the way this whole thing happened. Periyaval’s advice in my mind and my doing it and then all those dreams foretelling the baby…..

My wife Saraswathy with Kanchi Bala Periyava in the below picture:

The baby was born on May 22nd 2013, thanks to Periyava and Ambal, a sweet lovely boy. Named Shiv. It was undeniable proof that Periyava did indeed communicates to me through mind talk and also through dreams and I had better believe them and follow His instructions.

Couple of years later, during our India trip in 2013, we were at Kanchi Srimatham. We were waiting outside Periyava’s quarters at that time. My son was sitting idling somewhere totally away from the crowd, in his own world.

Bala Periyava came out of the rooms and on His way, took a detour and went straight to where my son was sitting, stopped in front of my son.

After a couple of general questions, Periyava asked my son, who were his relatives in US. My son mentioned Only the child Shiv, despite the fact that he had other uncles and aunts!

I felt like Periyava was acknowledging that it was indeed He who had done this whole thing.

Periyava Periyava Periyava Periyava!!!!


My wife at Orikkai, with the beautiful Paalaar Palar river in the background on a magical Pournami day:


Today May 22nd 2024, that sweet child Shiv has completed 11 years!


7 thoughts on “My nephew’s incredible birth prediction through my wife’s dreams!

  1. Periyava Charanam. Goosebumps Sir, both of you are truly blessed and we are also blessed by reading this post. My prayers to Periyava to bless us with a grandchild.

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